Events & Press


  • Come meet Snap Happy Author, Byron Flitsch, at one of California’s oldest bookstores!


  • Hosted by actor and comedian Joel Marshall, Lunch Therapy the comedy show that helps you get through the week, with breathing, comedy, and some fun distractions from riding the news cycle. One man attempts to entertain the world one hummingbird at a time.

    Watch here!


I really love Snap Happy: Mindful Photography for Kids! It helps me to be more creative and is a very cool book. There are even places for me to actually write IN the book, kind of like a journal. I like taking pictures and it helps me to understand photography better.
— Hazel, Age 11
Love, LOVE, love this book! It has become my go-to purchase, along with a disposable camera, for any, and every birthday party, my children go to. This book makes creativity, fun, flawed, and absolutely approachable!
— Molly B.
I bought this book as a birthday present for my nephew and niece who are pretty annoying with the smart phones doing nothing but taking selfies. The activities in this workbook taught them some photography basics, and more importantly, to be more mindful and present and come out from behind their phones.

It’s fun to see their Instas evolve from nonsense to some really gorgeous photos that much better represent them and their life!

This is a great gift from those of us in the generation who had to carefully and mindfully take pics on film back in the day and couldn’t even see them until they were developed!
— Nathaniel N.